Darwin High School Languages Corner
Last term, Chinese, Spanish, Italian, Japanese and Indonesian classes participated in the Assessment of Languages Competence ACER.
Congratulations to the students who achieved high distinctions for both sections of the test in Chinese: Ziqi Jia, Hillary Jong, Corinna Ha and Runda Li.
Congratulations also to the following students who achieved high distinctions in Indonesian : Andrew Northcote, Elsa Perry, Jyden Ah Toy Chin, Kyle Ford, Mitchell Northcote, Elana Jewell, Tiara Purcell, Olivia Hutchinson, Remi Griffiths, Shahista Rojah, Yvonne Ngu, Zak Borges Nunes, Adel Razi, Eleazer Nathanael, Farhan Saputra, Muhammad Harsya Pratama and Rizky Devaniputri.
Well done to the following students who achieved high distinctions in Italian: Imogen Randazzo, Aeron Leyesa and in Spanish: Katharina Le Juge De Segrais and Zak Borges-Nunes.
Finally, congratulations to the following students who achieved high distinctions in Japanese: Da Yeol Youn, Georgia Lane, Jin Sheng Wu, Nafi Mazid and Thomas Kersemakers.