Child Studies at La Crèche

Darwin High School Year 11 Child Studies students have spent the last four weeks visiting the childcare centre La Crèche on The Avenue as part of their studies.
Darwin High School Year 11 Child Studies students have spent the last four weeks visiting the childcare centre La Crèche on The Avenue as part of their studies.
On Friday 2 June some of Darwin High Schools wonderful Secondary Intensive English Unit (SIEU) students volunteered at the Council for the Ageing, NT's Seniors Expo at the Museum and Art Gallery.
On Friday 19 May Darwin High School students in Years 10, 11 and 12 studying Legal Studies and Politics attended the 2017 Careers in Law forum for senior students.
On Monday 19 May four Darwin High School students and teacher Ms Tan attended the 'Meet An Engineer' luncheon, hosted by Engineer Australia.
Twenty-one Darwin High School Year 10 and 11 Outdoor Education students have completed the Gubara Bushwalk.
Last week four Darwin High School Year 10 students visited Jingili Primary School to participate in their Science Expo.
Earlier this month the Darwin High School students involved in the World Challenge trip partook in a practise expedition through Litchfield.
Darwin High School Mooting team has been selected as one of ten teams to compete in the National High School Mooting Finals in June.
February 19 2017 marked the 75 anniversary of the bombing of Darwin. The attack by enemy aircraft at 9.58am on Thursday 19 February 1942, was the first hostile act on Australian soil in history. This initial attack on Darwin was followed by a further 64 raids over the next two years.
Students in Darwin High Schools Centre for Excellence (C4E) program are provided with a range of opportunities that extend their learning beyond the normal classroom. In the last two weeks of school in 2016 fourteen Year 10 and 11 Darwin High School students traveled to Singapore and Malaysia as part of the Schools C4E Program.
Students and their families are encouraged to download the Darwin High School Compass app to their smart phone/tablet device. Compass app allows you to stay up to date with announcements and events, complete a range of e-forms for student absences and excursions and easily contact us via phone or email direct from the app.
© 2016 Darwin High School. CRICOS Provider: Northern Territory Department of Education, CRICOS Provider Number: 00780M, Course Code Intensive English: 048904G, Course Code Senior Secondary: 058744C
School Web Design by Dash.