Stage 2 Indonesian Continuers

Stage 2 subject open to Year 11 students

The continuers level languages are designed for students who have studied the language for 400 to 500 hours by the time they have completed Stage 2, or who have an equivalent level of knowledge.

About the subject

In this subject students interact with others to share information, ideas, opinions and experiences. They create texts in language to express information, feelings, ideas and opinions. They analyse texts to interpret meaning, and examine relationships between language, culture and identity, and reflect on the ways in which culture influences communication.

Course content

Stage 2 Indonesian at continuers level consists of three themes and a number of prescribed topics and suggested subtopics. Themes:

  • The Individual
  • The Indonesian speaking Communities
  • The Changing World.


Students demonstrate evidence of their learning through the following assessment types:

School-based AssessmentWeighting
In-depth Study20%
External Assessment

Information on the External Assessment

The examination consists of:

  • Oral examination
  • Written examination

Oral Examination

The oral examination will take 10–15 minutes and consists of two sections:

  • Section 1: Conversation
  • Section 2: Discussion

Written Examination (3 hours)

The written examination has three sections:

  • Section 1: Listening and Responding
  • Section 2: Reading and Responding
  • Section 3: Writing in Indonesian.

The examinations will be graded by external assessors with reference to performance standards.

Performance Standards

The Locally Assessed Languages at Continuers Level Subject Outline includes performance standards, which describe five levels of achievement that are reported with the grades A to E at the student’s completion of the subject.

The school-based assessments and the external assessment will be graded with reference to the performance standards.

The Compass App

Students and their families are encouraged to download the Darwin High School Compass app to their smart phone/tablet device. Compass app allows you to stay up to date with announcements and events, complete a range of e-forms for student absences and excursions and easily contact us via phone or email direct from the app.

© 2016 Darwin High School. CRICOS Provider: Northern Territory Department of Education, CRICOS Provider Number: 00780M, Course Code Intensive English: 048904G, Course Code Senior Secondary: 058744C

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