Work Experience Coordinator
Jeany Feeney
- Year 10 and SIEU career interviews
- Year 10 subject selection advice
- Parent/family interviews
- Work Experience Coordinator
- Workplace and Industry visits to DHS
Our team of career practitioners are located next to the Library and assist students to make decisions about their future by helping them find information about courses, employment opportunities, employment prospects for different occupations, and appropriate subjects to choose. They also help students to refine resumes, assist with interview preparation and discuss the different career options available.
Through regular updates via the Careers Facebook Page and on Compass the team advertises vacancies for full time and school based apprenticeships, coordinates visits from universities, provides information about universities, certificate and diploma programs and various scholarships.
Email [email protected] for all Vocational Education and Training (VET) or School Based Apprenticeship/Traineeship (SBAT)
Email [email protected] for subject selection and career pathway support.
Study Work Grow has all of the news, guides, and resources you need to help students plan an amazing careers.
The Study Assist website gives students an overview of what financial assistance they are eligible for when contemplating further education
The Australian Apprenticeship site takes you through the steps needed to register as an apprentice, plus the training opportunities in each state. There is an NT link, which has local contact details.
The Career Quiz section of the Skillsroad website gives you a very comprehensive profile on your likes and dislikes and the career possibilities. The site itself is constantly updated and contains useful information about different industries and education pathways.
Explore and compare institutions and study areas based on real life student experiences.
The home of career information. Search Industries and Occupations to find a career that's right for you and what you can do to get there.
Campus facility information.
Getting to and from school.
A strong student voice.
Pursue and share interests.
Extensive co-curricular sporting opportunities.
Resources for students.
Positive relationships.
Plan your future.
IT Help Desk and Services
Study and tutoring programs.
Students and their families are encouraged to download the Darwin High School Compass app to their smart phone/tablet device. Compass app allows you to stay up to date with announcements and events, complete a range of e-forms for student absences and excursions and easily contact us via phone or email direct from the app.
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School Web Design by Dash.