In Stage 2 English, students respond to and create a variety of literary and real-world texts. They build skills in communicating their own ideas and understanding the ideas presented in texts they read and view every day.
Assessment consists of eight tasks, including the externally assessed component. Students undertake:
Assessment Type 1: Responding to Texts (three tasks, 30%). These tasks are in response to a variety of literary or functional texts such as novels, films, plays, poetry, news and other media. One task must include an oral component to be assessed.
Assessment Type 2: Creating Texts (four tasks 40%). Three tasks require students to create a variety of creative or functional texts such as short story, recount, feature article, persuasion, instructional or digital text. The fourth creating texts task is a writer’s statement which analyses the students own creative work.
Info on external assessment: Students complete a 2000 word externally assessed comparative essay (30%). The task is the product of independent study and requires students to compare ideas and language features in two texts of their own choosing. Texts chosen could include literary or non-literary texts.
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© 2016 Darwin High School. CRICOS Provider: Northern Territory Department of Education, CRICOS Provider Number: 00780M, Course Code Intensive English: 048904G, Course Code Senior Secondary: 058744C
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