Posted on 29 October, 2018 in Students, Partnerships, Excursions

2018 Ambon Trip

2018 Ambon Trip

On Monday 24 September, sixteen Darwin High School students and two teachers departed Darwin for the 2018 Ambon Trip.

The ten-day trip is an overseas study tour for Year 10 and Year 11 students studying Indonesian as a language. Students spent time with a host school and families in Ambon and received an official reception by the Governor of Maluku before meeting their host families.

Students visited local traditional markets where they were given rupiah and the task of shopping for general supplies for their host families. They participated in traditional dance classes and visited places of interest, including cultural and historical locations.

In addition to participating in classes with their host school, the students also took a cooking class, learning how to prepare traditional food of Maluku and went snorkelling at a local beach.

Everyone had an incredible adventure, rich in culture and full of fun!

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