Posted on 03 November, 2016

Australian National Titration Competition Winners

Australian National Titration Competition Winners

Pictured above are participants of the Australian Titration Competition: Janelle Wong, Senuri Pinto, Elizabeth Greenwood, Yefan Chen, Keyi Li and Yuheng Rong.

Congratulations to Keshavaraj Shivakumar for receiving a gold medal in the recent Australian National Titration Competition . To win a gold medal, the analyst must come within 1% of the true value for the sample.

Congratulations also to Thomas Saji, Thomas Kersemakers, Aisha Lay, Kitty Nguyen and Nisangi Wijesinghe who reached the finals and received silver medals for their fine titration skills.

The students successfully completed a rigorous 3 hours analytical practical exercise after being chosen from the preliminary competition in which 18 Darwin High School students competed. Their medals will be awarded at the upcoming Royal Australian Chemical Institute Prize Evening at CDU.

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