Posted on 23 May, 2016

Bayliss Lecture 2016

Bayliss Lecture 2016

On Tuesday 17 May, 70 students from Year 10 C4E, Year 10 Girls' Science and Year 11 C4E Chemistry went to Charles Darwin University to attend the annual Bayliss Lecture which is organised by the Royal Australian Chemical Institute. 

This year the speaker was Dr Kari Pitts, a Chemist and Research Officer from the Forensic Science Laboratory, Chem Centre, in Western Australia. She presented an overview of her work and went through some real case studies on how chemistry is used to help link evidence to people involved in crimes. Kari went through how the smallest bits of evidence, mapping the trace elements in glass and diagnosing paint samples, can help put together the story of what has happened.

Image above: Year 10 students Ava Wilmore and Morgan Gurry with Dr Kari Pitts.

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