Posted on 18 May, 2018 in Students

Bebras Challenge Results

Bebras Challenge Results

Last term 126 Darwin High School Year 10 students participated in the Bebras Australia Computational Thinking Challenge.

Bebras is an international student Computational Thinking Challenge and Bebras Australia is run by CSIRO Education and Outreach through the Digital Careers program. The goal is to promote Computational Thinking to students in a way that highlights student ability beyond Science or Maths skills.

The challenge is made up of fifteen questions ranging in difficulty and students have just forty-five minutes to complete it. Students who receive full marks are placed on the Honour Roll.

The following students were recognised for achieving merits: 

Ka Yan Teng
Tiana Smith
Ellen Archibald
Louis Byrne
Hannah Kwon
Ryan Peek
Ivy Srbinovski
Atish Ajaykumar
Kjell Hensen
Balun Kirkman
Laura Chapman
Daniel Chin
Andrew Savvas
Benjamin Kievit
Otto Blum
Amani Hafeel
Huw Wiltshire

Congratulations also to Raphael Thomas on being awarded a Credit and to Jarrod Li-Hunnam and Jordan O’Brien on achieving Distinctions.

Later this year students will be given an opportunity to improve their test scores. 

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