BRAVE - A youth work created by youth for youth

Initially created in 2012 as a Darwin High School and SLIDE Youth Dance Theatre partnership Brave is being remounted in 2019 in response to the increase in bullying incidents across Australia.
Many Darwin High School students are again involved in the production, with both current students, graduates and even dance teacher Julia Quinn performing in the 2019 show.
In 2014 Brave was nominated and came runner up for an Australian Dance Award in the Youth and Community Dance category. A huge achievement for a production born in the dance space of the Tank.
By teacher Sarah Calver
Brave – a thought provoking and heartfelt performance that tackles the challenging issues of bullying through innovative dance theatre interwoven with a powerful soundscape and multi-media that was created by youth for youth.
The cast of 40 performers ranging in age from 8 through to 47 are testament to the talents of local dance practitioners and this exceptional production sends the message “Everyone has the right to live, work, study and play in an environment free from bullying, harassment, discrimination and violence.” Brave will immerse the audience in the lives of relatable characters and offer them a glimpse at events that for some of them is actually a daily part of their own lives.
Dance theatre connects with our NT students, the music, movement, storytelling and raw emotion engages at a much deeper level than a lecture or an adult telling them what is right and wrong. Giving teenagers the ability to make their own decisions with the issues they face is empowering and helps with that rite of passage through the junior and senior high school years.
It is hoped the impact of Brave performed by SLIDE Youth dance Theatre will inspire our youth to become stronger, braver young adults. Brave, similar to the performance of SECRETS in 2018, will definitely be another noteworthy production.