Bullying No Way!

Darwin High School has been raising awareness of the impact of bullying. The Wellbeing Action Team in conjunction with students from Stage 1 and Stage 2 Health classes have organised a series of events asking students and staff to send a strong united message to the community in support of proactive participation in the elimination of bullying and violence.
On Monday 29 February the whole school gathered on the oval to form the words “Cyber Bullying No Way”. This event was attended by the Minister of Education and attracted the attention of the NT News.
On Tuesday 1 March each year level attended a workshop on cyber safety presented by Susan McLean. Susan is Australia’s foremost expert in the area of cyber safety and young people and was a member of the Victorian Police for 27 years. Her presentation was real, to the point and hard hitting. It challenged students to think about their digital footprint and how today's actions can affect their future as well as highlighting the illegal elements involved in cyber bullying and sexting. The workshops were part of a whole school approach to try to stop cyber bullying. Susan has also written a book specifically for parents aimed at helping them to keep their children safe in the digital world. More on Susan and her book can be found on her website: http://www.cybersafetysolutions.com.au
In Week 6 students also organised Cyber Wire, an opportunity for students to write personal messages against cyber bullying. If you have concerns about bullying please contact our Year Level Coordinators, Assistant Principals or the School Counsellor to discuss.