Posted on 26 August, 2022

Celebrating NAIDOC Week

Celebrating NAIDOC Week

By Year 12 student Molly Trueman

During week 2, Darwin High School's Stage 2 Aboriginal Studies class organised several events to celebrate NAIDOC week.

A few highlights of the event were the Torres Strait Islander dancers, Larrakia  Nation smoking ceremony, a weaving workshop, art stalls, and the unveiling of our NAIDOC mural which was created in collaboration with local indigenous artists, House of Darwin and Darwin High staff and students. 

Later in the week everyone enjoyed participating or spectating a students vs. teachers' footy match, a sausage sizzle and some handmade bush tucker cookies.

These events were well attended and enjoyed by many and were a great way to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and foster relationships between indigenous and non-indigenous students. All funds raised were donated to the Indigenous Literacy Foundation. 

Photo credit: Year 12 student Charli Burke

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