Posted on 22 June, 2017 in Events, Partnerships, Students, Teachers

Darwin High School Launches Darwin High School Scholars

Darwin High School Launches Darwin High School Scholars

Members of the Darwin High School community gathered on Friday 16 June to celebrate the placement of the Anniversary Pavers and launch Darwin High School Scholars.

Trevor Read, Principal, and Hully Liveris, Class of ’74 and School Board Invited Member, welcomed alumni and school benefactors on a gorgeous Dry season evening to reminisce and peruse yearbooks. Guests were treated to the musical talent of Jordan-Ravi Sabaratnam and the company of Year 12 student leaders.

Principal, Trevor Read said

It was amazing to see how proud our community and graduates are and we look forward to continuing to embrace their dedication to Darwin High School and the Bullocky Point Education Precinct

Darwin High School Scholar, Hully Liveris

Through the Scholars network we will inspire our current students to continue the tradition of Esse quam videri, ‘to be, rather than to seem'

Guests had the opportunity to share a memory of their time at Darwin High School at the event

"Kicking the football over the banyan tree" - Kenny Mac, Class of 2017
“Swimming in The Tank on weekends with friends and the 6.7 magnitude earthquake in 1963 where water splashed over.” – Barbara McManus nee Williams, Class of ‘64
“Laughter, Joy, Challenging, Rewarding” – unknown

If you are a graduate or previous member of staff of Darwin High School and would like to support the school, please consider registering for the Darwin High School Scholars,

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