Posted on 22 June, 2017 in Students, Partnerships

Darwin High School Students Raise Money for PAWS

Darwin High School Students Raise Money for PAWS

On 7 June the Darwin High School Year 10 Stylish Food class held a fundraiser for PAWS. 

This group activity was part of our assessment ‘Catering for a Cause’. We chose PAWS because they are a locally based non-government organisation and the class wanted to fundraise for animal welfare. 

With lots of organizing, trials of food items, and teamwork we were able to host a successful fundraiser where we made $144.40 profit, passing our goal of $120. We found it ‘challenging yet a great experience’. As a class, we were extremely proud of our efforts and learned some valuable things such as: how to organize and host a fundraiser; the rules and regulations that are required when making and selling food; how important it is to cooperate and communicate with our fellow classmates; and, that working in bigger groups makes it quicker and easier to create large quantities of food.

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