Posted on 28 August, 2018 in Students

DHS Delegates to Represent the NT

DHS Delegates to Represent the NT

On Friday 10 August UN Youth NT ran their NT Evatt competition at Charles Darwin University. Evatt is a competition that takes the form of a mock session of the UN Security Council. 

Teams of two students from the same school debate, amend and vote on a prepared resolution from the perspective of their assigned nation. From the pool of competitors the three most effective teams are chosen and sent to compete in the National Finals, hosted in Hobart, Tasmania by UN Youth ACT Inc. from December 3 – 9.

Darwin High School was strongly represented by seven teams including:

Kimberley Stevens and Ava Wilmore

Braeden Parnell and Patrick Wiltshire

Andrew Northcote and Matthew Chapman

Finn Mitchell and Raphael Duffy and 

Shaun Thomas and Michael Fagan

Lachlan Anderson and Josiah Little representing the Netherlands were selected as one of the teams debate in Hobart, and Samuel Roussos and Joel Keith representing the Côte d’Ivoire are the reserve team who will go if the Good Shepherd team or Lachlan and Josiah are unable to attend.

Congratulations to all the teams from DHS who provided strong competition, but particular congratulations to the three representative teams, two from DHS, who won on the day.

Darwin High student Sam Roussos said

Evatt provided an engaging forum to debate real world issues as a country, with other like minded people. I learnt a lot during the course of the day long event, and was able to the best of my ability try and represent the views of my allocated nation. I got to talk, negotiate and strike deals with other countries, and ultimately it was a fantastic event full of fun, enjoyment and diplomacy. 

Darwin High student Joey Little said

Darwin High student, Evatt is like no other competition I have ever had the pleasure of participating in before. Evatt takes the traditional elements of debating and combines them with the skills of negotiation and diplomacy in the form of a mock United Nations Security Council meeting. It was integral that we utilised teamwork to collectively strategize our moves and decisions. Coming in to this competition for the first time was extremely daunting, with a formal set of rules and procedures, it was an entirely new experience for me. Initially I was concerned that I would unaware of how The Council worked, but after the day got under way I felt much more comfortable and learned what to do on the fly. We adapted to effectively utilise each other’s strengths - Lachlan’s main focus being speaking and promoting resolutions and amendments to the council, whereas I took on the task of negotiating with the other delegates, pushing forth our amendments and country’s stance. Over all the Evatt NT competition was an extremely enjoyable and challenging day that I would recommend to each and every student.

Darwin High student Lachlan Anderson said

I enjoyed Evatt as it gave me an opportunity to express my twin passions; arguing with people and eating lamingtons. 

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