Posted on 01 October, 2018 in Students, Teachers

DHS War on Waste

DHS War on Waste

Following the success of the hit ABC TV show, War on Waste, Darwin High Teacher Jodie Clegg and a team of teachers and students have started a movement to Go Green.

On Saturday 22 September, Ms Clegg, her Green Warriors and Waste Free NT conducted a Chaser Style Waste Audit of the DHS skip bins. The waste audit aimed to measure the waste and record data that would allow the team to develop a plan to reduce it.

The team collected 94kg of waste on the day. 

Check out this video they have made by clicking here

Ms Clegg would like to recognize the support and efforts of the people below:

John Eglinton for running around and making sure all the rubbish was accessible

Amanda Hollingsworth for helping set up and dumpster diving

Elizabeth McArthur for dumpster diving

Ashleigh Casey for dumpster diving and providing music

Robyn Northcote for dumpster diving

Greg France for dumpster diving

Anne Myerscough and family for driving around and picking up all the SIEU students and dumpster diving

Heather Standley for lending and collating equipment and clean up

Tonia Griffiths for clean up

Rebecca Kopke-Bennett for dumpster diving

Zaiga Thomann for her awesome filming skills

David Waters for lending his gimbal and taking time to teach me how to use it

Stephen Lewis Driver for helping me drag the marque and water cooler half way across the school

Johanna Wilkins for collating a media release list of students for filming purposes

Vida Goodvach for cleaning up

Tonia Griffiths for cleaning up

Jill Hazeldine for jumping off a plane and coming straight to us to see how we were going!

Naoko Shimokawa for fixing my spreadsheet

Kyalea Young for video production


Bridget Myerscough for dumpster diving and counting

Bella Graham for dumpster diving and counting

Secret Garway for dumpster diving and counting

Jok Makuer for dumpster diving and counting

Pang Chonthicha Khwanthong for dumpster diving and counting

Malaika Serra for dumpster diving and counting

Francesca Gherdevich for dumpster diving and counting

Hermine Strohmay for dumpster diving and counting

Emily Williamson for dumpster diving and counting

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