Posted on 02 November, 2017 in Excursions, Students

Excursion to the Ice

Excursion to the Ice

Last month Darwin High School Year 11 Physical Education students went on an excursion to the new ice skating facility in Darwin.

By Teacher, Brayden France

The students enjoyed the cool conditions and mostly resembled baby giraffes while trying to find their feet on the ice. As part of their Biomechanics Unit the students were able to explore the effects of friction. This excursion gave students the opportunity to participate in a practical experiment to discover how skating on the ice with close to no friction was difficult. Towards the end of the excursion many of the students had developed techniques to overcome the challenge of the lack of friction and stability and found the confidence to try some more complex skating skills.

The final activity on the ice was a game of Ice Hockey which was a huge hit with the group. 

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