Girls Yoga Class

This term some of Darwin High School's Year 10 students have had the opportunity to attend weekly yoga classes as part of the schools ongoing well being focus.
The classes are run by Darwin High School teacher Heather Standley who is yoga trained and this year completed a 'Yoga for Teens' workshop. The impact on students has been overwhelmingly positive and so popular that there is now also a boys class being offered to students.
By Year 10 students, Laurel Edwards and Gabriella Frame
Over the past 8 weeks, we have been taught many techniques to relieve stress both physically and mentally, to stretch and bend our bodies safely without risking injury, and we have learned the difference between discomfort and pain, and how to deal with discomfort and apply these techniques to our everyday life. Yoga is a silent time that helps us remove any judgement and just being able to bring ourselves back to who we are now. Yoga helps us look towards different goals and strategies we may have not been able to see before.
Laurel said
While participating in this class I have found that my strategies and abilities to deal with issues have improved a lot. This class gives me a break from everyday school life and allows me some time to relax and be myself
Gabriella said
Yoga to me is a time that I don’t need to worry or stress. I’m able to get everything out of my mind including judgement and unwanted feelings. It’s my time to reflect on the good and the bad
Teacher, Heather Standley said
It’s been very rewarding and such a delight to see the students’ attitude towards yoga shift so quickly (especially the boys). Now they are requesting favourite poses and asking for longer meditation time at the end.