Posted on 25 September, 2020

Government House Garden Project

Government House Garden Project

Darwin High School Stage 2 Integrated Learning - Innovation and 3D Printing Class have been commissioned by Her Honour the Honourable Vicki O'Halloran, Administrator of the Northern Territory to create some garden panels for Government House.

Last year Her Honour was on a tour of the schools newly opened STEAM building and was inspired by some of the student work on display in the Fab Lab. From here the project took shape and Darwin High School was given the scope of designing sculpture panels that reflect the top end and youth and life in Territory as part of the 150th Anniversary of Government House.

While COVID pandemic slowed progress substantially, early this Term the Year 12 students were able to visit Government House to present their design concepts and receive feedback and ideas from Her Honour. Then the group took a tour of the gardens as research for their design concepts and everyone was impressed by magnificently well-kept spaces and noted how predominantly nature featured.

Last Friday 18 September, Her Honour visited Darwin High School and the Year 12 class to get an update on the project and for a second design consultation prior to printing the panels. She provided some welcome feedback and encouragement and will make another visit to the FabLab prior to printing.

Pictured above: Eucalyptus leaves by Daniel Maddock. 

Pictured below: NT flag Rehmatulla Rojah

The student panel designs will be produced using Rhinoceros 3d and Grasshopper, a parametric software, and cut into 1200 by 1200mm by 2mm mild steel sheets using the schools’ FabLab Plasma cutter. The panels will be permanent fixtures to the gardens at Government House.

We look forward to seeing the end result!

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