Help our C4E superstars get to LA
Our 3 C4E superstars and Year 12 students, Vincent, Monishi and Niyaz, who are fundraising to get to LA for the 74th International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) in May are ever so close to the fundraising target of $30,000.
They have been invited to attend the ISEF to present their scientific project, which focusses on sustainable and cost-effective cooling methods in schools, in the hope it can be expanded to anywhere in the Top End.
Last year the students attended the 19th International Student Science Fair in Brisbane and won their category - ‘Real World Application Award’. As a result they were invited to present at the ISEF and are one of just 9 Australian teams and the first Territory entrants ever.
A huge thank you to the members of our school community who have already made a donation, anyone can donate via -