HMAS Broome

On Thursday 29 of august Darwin high school students had the opportunity to attend the Decommissioning of HMAS Broome (II) as we farewelled the vessel from our protecting our Australian oceans.
HMAS Broome (II) was commissioned into the royal Australian Navy in Broome on the 10 of February 2007. HMAS Broome (II) is an Armidale-class patrol boats which was 1 of 14 boats constructed for the Royal Australian Navy.
During the Ceremony we watched the Traditions of farewelling a vessel and listening to the history of ships name and journey. HMAS Broome ship crew displayed honor and pride from the crew members in honor guard, to the crew conducting their final march past. After the ceremony students got to meet members of the vessel up and close and learn more about the royal Australian Navy and the careers opportunities, during the reception student spoke with Command Warrant Officer Dennis Bentley, who has been a serving member for over 20 years, he share his experiences and knowledge during his time serving in the Australian Navy.