Jingili Primary Science Expo

On Tuesday May 28 three Darwin High School Year 10 C4E students attended the Jingili Primary School Science Expo.
Darwin High School exhibited at the Expo along with 22 other STEM stakeholders to over three hundred primary school aged students with hands-on science activities’.
Evelyn Broad, Matilda Newman and Jillian Wong designed an activity using mechanical hands which had varying numbers of digits. The group were assisted by their Year 10 C4E class, who helped construct 20 mechanical hands for the Expo.
The girls firstly engaged the primary school students with a range of strategies including “scary hands” where the children made claw fingers. The students then compared their tendons with a poster that one of the students created to show the location of the tendons in the fingers. Then in groups they held races using the mechanical hands and various sized balls.
The teachers and other presenters were very impressed with the activity and how effectively the Darwin High School students engaged the primary school students. One teacher at the end asked if she could have a hand so she could copy the design and use it in the primary class.
The girls were exceptional role models for the school and we have been asked back again next year.