Language Corner
By teacher Ms Christie
In May, a number of students participated in Education Perfect Languages Championship 2024. This program involves students answering as many questions as possible in their target language (Chinese, Indonesian, Italian, Spanish, Modern Greek, or Japanese etc.). The Championship competition runs for a week and thousands of students around the globe participate.
Congratulations to all the Darwin High students who participated in the competition this year and special congratulations to the following students who earned Education Perfect championship certificates.
Gold Award (In the top 2% of competitors around the world)
- Belva Shahda - answering 8,187 Indonesian questions.
- Mellani Putro - answering 7,517 Indonesian questions.
Bronze Award (In the top 10% of competitors around the world)
- Rose Mystica Denex - answering 3,315 Indonesian questions.
- Shane Warford - answering 3,451 Indonesian questions.
Credit Award (In the top 10% of competitors around the world)
- Vysikan Kirunthikaran - answering 2,968 Indonesian questions.
- Georgge Naishel - answering 2,689 Indonesian questions.
- Charlie Banks - answering 2,065 Indonesian questions.
- Mae Magsombol - answering 1,849 Indonesian questions.
- Jessica Brady - answering 1,830 Indonesian questions.
- Arfi Zerariasvan - answering 1,808 Indonesian questions.
- Maharani Hirschausen - answering 1,455 Indonesian questions.
- Alishba Ahmed - answering 1.056 Indonesian questions.