Meningococcal B Immunisations - Friday 20 May
Our school will again be involved in 'B Part of It NT', a study of the meningococcal B vaccine.
The licensed vaccine is safe and proven to protect against meningococcal B disease, a rate but very serious disease. The study nurses will visit schools across the Northern Territory in 2022 to offer free Meningococcal B vaccination to students in years 10, 11 and 12. Information packs with a consent forms were sent home with interested students last week.
If your child joined the study in 2021, parents do not need to sign another consent form for them this year.
Please read the information in the online consent form
If you would like your child to participate please complete all the details amd sign the online consent form.
If you would like more informaiton about the study please contact the study co-ordinator at:
[email protected] or 08 8922 8025