Posted on 26 February, 2021

Meningococcal B vaccine

Meningococcal B vaccine

Our school will be involved in the B Part of It NT, a study of the meningococcal B vaccine. All 14-19 year olds in the NT can take part. The licenced vaccine is safe and proven to protect against meningococcal B disease, a rare but very serious disease.

The study will see if the meningococcal B vaccine can also protect against gonorrhoea (an STI) which is caused by a related bacteria/bug. This will be done by counting the number of gonorrhoea cases in the Northern Territory. The study will also look at how the vaccine affects bacteria/bugs at the back of the throat.

Consent forms will be coming home next week and must be signed by a parent/guardian if students wish to take part and returned to the school by Friday 2 April

For more information see:

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