National Cyber Security Competition
By teacher Darren Clayton
Kieran Whatley and Rose Nguyen were two of six students from the Darwin region who represented the NT for the first time in the national cyber security competition - PECAN+ Capture the Flag (CTF) – held over the August long weekend. The event was sponsored locally by the NT Government and Charles Darwin University.
The competition tested skills as a cyber defender or attacker with real-world challenges to identify hidden text strings or flags. Students practised skills in cryptography, digital forensics, reverse engineering, steganography, and web exploits.
Darwin students did exceptionally well in the four-hour marathon of over 70 challenges, showcasing their talents in cyber security. Cyber jobs are rewarding, diverse, flexible and well paid.
Cyber security competitions like PECAN+ give students the opportunity to collaborate with the cyber security industry, higher education institutions, teachers and other students while getting hands on keys experience and exposure to cyber tools in a safe and fun environment.