Parent and Teacher Phone Interviews

This Semester due to COVID-19 physical distancing restrictions Darwin High School will host parent and teacher phone interviews on Monday 21 March from 3pm - 7pm. This will give parents/carers the opportunity to connect with teachers and discuss student progress.
Term 1 Progress Reports were made available in Compass last Friday for all Year levels, including SIEU. Parents of students who have been identified as at risk are strongly encouraged to book an appointment for a phone interview or to contact the school on 8999 1222 to discuss strategies to support your child.
More information about students' individual classes can be found in the 'Learning Tasks tab' in Compass, which includes assessment requirements and results to date for each subject.
Parent/teacher phone interviews will be scheduled at 8 minute intervals and parents will have access to an online booking system in Compass until midnight Sunday 20 March.
Teachers will phone parents/carers on the contact number listed in Compass. This may appear as a private number. Please ensure your contact details in Compass are up to date.
If you would like your child to be involved in the conversation the phone interview can be conducted on speaker.
The Compass booking system doesn't allow for multiple bookings for an individual student where parents are in two households.
If you are unable to book a meeting with your child's teacher but would like to discuss their learning progress, please email the teacher directly and arrange an alternative time.