Posted on 28 September, 2016 in Events, Students

Poetry Slam

Poetry Slam

Darwin High School poets have had a great showing at the Darwin heat of the Australian Poetry Slam Championships. 

Stevie Kyriacou won the heat and will travel to Sydney to present her poetry in the national final at the Sydney Opera House. Emma Pham and Lucy Thurston came second and third respectively. There were 16 competitors in the heat held at the Railway Club in Parap, including many seasoned adult competitors.

The student poets all participated in an intensive masterclass with renowned NT performance poet, Laurie May. The training they received was crucial for them presenting powerful performance poetry that met all the expectations of the audience and judging panel.

Congratulations to all.

Image above: L-R: Emma Pham, Laurie May, Stevie Kyriacou, Lucy Thurston.

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