R U OK? Day
On Thursday 10 September Darwin High School students and staff participated in R U Ok? Day.
R U OK? Day is a national suicide prevention initiative that aims to inspire people to meaningfully connect with those around them.
This year's theme was, 'There's more to say after R U OK?'. Ms Knutson's Stage 1 Health students and our Student Representative Council held a range of R U OK? activities on Thursday at lunchtime outside the Library. Students and staff were encouraged to join in the fun by wearing yellow.
R U OK? reminders were displayed all over campus in the lead up to Thursday with some great tips on how to support someone who is struggling.
The Darwin High SRC ran a pancake fundraiser with all profits being donated to the R U OK? organisation.
Congratulations to all the staff and students who contributed to such a successful event!
Learn what to say after R U OK? so you can keep the conversation going when someone says they're not OK. Visit www.ruok.org.au/how-to-ask