Posted on 19 October, 2017 in Events, Students

National Rope Skipping Champions

National Rope Skipping Champions

Late last term five Darwin High School students represented the Northern Territory at the 2017 National Rope Skipping Championships in the Gold Coast.

Eliza Pridham, Hermine Strohmayr, Kate Hinchliffe, Esther Herry and Calan Pridham have returned from the National skipping competition in the Gold Coast with medals for their team events, including a silver in double Dutch and a bronze in four person single rope freestyle.

In the solo events, Hermine Strohmayr received a bronze medal the in thirty seconds speed class, a gold in her solo performance and a silver overall for her age group. All five skippers have also qualified for the World Rope Skipping Championships, held next year, in Shanghai China.

Congratulations to everyone involved on such a fantastic achievement.

Image credit to to Action in Focus Photography.

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