Posted on 13 December, 2019 in Students, Teachers

SIEU Celebrates 2019

SIEU Celebrates 2019

By Teacher, Robyn Northcote

Once again, we were treated to a fantastic end-of-semester concert to celebrate the successes and talents of students in the Secondary Intensive English Unit.

An atmosphere of wonder and awe was set by the songs presented by our beginner English choir class. They have stepped up to become valued members of the DHS choir group. Feet were tapping and heads were set a rocking by the intermediate English dance students as they presented their energetic and fun filled dance item. The audience was left spellbound by Nhu Y Nguyen’s amazing solo song performance. She was a contestant in The Voice in Vietman, and listening to her was a real treat. Credit to the music and dance teachers who provide a really important learning opportunity for these students.

Smiles were wide and eyes shone as the academic and hard-working students received their awards. Teachers could not help but shed a tear when wishing the graduating students all the best as they know how far they had come and how hard they had worked to be ready for mainstream Year 11 next year. We are so proud of them all.

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