Posted on 26 March, 2021

SIEU students are Crocwise

SIEU students are Crocwise

Our Secondary Intensive English Unit (SIEU) is for senior secondary students who have recently arrived in Australia and Ms. Allen's Water Safety and Recreation class have been learning about life in the Top End and the importance of being Crocwise.

The class received a visit from Tim Porter, a Northern Territory Park Ranger and to visit Crocosaurous Cove to see real-life crocodiles! Students were required to create a video, song, or rap from their experience to educate others about the importance of being Crocwise while in croc country.

They were fortunate to have the opportunity to see real-life 6m crocodiles be fed, feed the juvenile crocodiles themselves, hold a juvenile crocodile up close to understand the reptile better, and see and hold a crocodiles skull. All students thoroughly enjoyed the experiences and created fantastic raps and videos showing an in-depth understanding of what it means to be crocwise.

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