Stage 1 Legal Studies - Step Up Be Heard

Darwin High School Stage 1 Legal Studies students have been participating in the NT Parliamentary Education Services Step Up Be Heard Program. Earlier this term on their first visit to Parliament House the class had a tour of the House, observed politicians in the Chamber, and a voting activity. Last week the class returned for a second visit to conduct their debate.
By Year 11 student, Valentine Mugabe
I was lucky enough to be one of the Stage 1 Legal Studies students who had the opportunity to undertake the Step Up Be Heard program as part of NT Parliamentary Education Services. As part of the program, we presented a speech within the chamber of the NT Parliament. With 15 other classmates, we chose between three sides which were government, opposition, or independent for a Bill on Making Vaccinations Mandatory for all Territorians.
We spent two weeks writing the Bill and preparing our speeches before visiting Parliament House. It was a wonderful way to start the day as the official Speaker of the Parliament, the Honourable Ngaree Ah Kit, MLA, took some of her time to reside over us as we presented our arguments either for or against the Bill. Our Legal Studies teacher, Ms Leppitt was the Clerk throughout the readings of the bill, and she had the grand experience of being able to walk in with Madam Speaker at the beginning. We each had a wonderful experience and wish for any other students who want to learn about how bills are created, discussed, and made into law to take Legal Studies as a subject.