Plain English Speaking Awards
On Saturday 16 June, the Plain English Speaking Award NT final was held at Darwin High School. Eight contestants from three schools (St Phillip’s College, Casuarina Senior College and Darwin High School) competed for the position of representing the Northern Territory at the PESA National Final in August.
Each speaker delivered a six minute speech on a topic of their interest, undertook a three minute interview and then had four minutes in which to prepare for a three minute impromptu speech. This was a challenging and intense competition with a high calibre of entrants who all impressed the judges. Diana Mukayeva (Yr 11), Samuel Roussos (Yr 11) and Evan Keith (Yr 12) all admirably represented DHS.
The overall winner was Sam Roussos with a speech entitled “The Best Investment.” He will compete against winners of state and territory finals on 12th August at Parliament House.
All members of the community are invited to attend the Plain English Speaking Finals, you will be nothing short of amazed the dedication and confidence of these talented public speakers.