Posted on 19 October, 2017 in Events, Students, Teachers

Students v Teachers Soccer Match

Students v Teachers Soccer Match

On Thursday 12 October there was a teacher versus student showdown of seven a side soccer at lunchtime in the Tank.

The soccer match was a student led fundraising initiative by Year 11 Community Studies student Max Ingles-Graham and was generously supported by Darwin High School staff and students. Max took inspiration from school charity events held in previous years and combined these ideas with his love of soccer to develop the teacher versus student event.

By student Max Ingles-Graham

Ms Latham encouraged me to do something different so when I was planning what type of event to do, I researched things that had worked in the past and tried to think of a way to make it my own. I really love soccer and I really wanted to get everyone involved in helping to fundraise so this seemed like a good way to do it.

Now that I had my event idea, I just needed to decide on a charity. So I researched all the different types of charities and the ways they help people and decided that I really wanted to choose a charity that would help kids who are less fortunate. Darwin High School has a sponsor child with World Vision so I thought that would be a great cause to raise money for.

I made posters and advertised the event to staff and students and on the day we had enough to fill two teams of teacher’s v students. The teachers had planned ahead and recruited some handy soccer players, which helped them to secure the win, with a final score of 4 – 2. I was the referee for the match and everyone had lots of fun. I was able to raise one hundred dollars for World Vision and the sponsor child. It felt really good, being able to help someone else and make a difference.

I would like to thank Ms Latham for all her help and support and everyone else who helped or donated.

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