Posted on 15 December, 2016 in Teachers, Partnerships

From Darwin High to Vietnam

From Darwin High to Vietnam

Darwin High School teacher Matt Atfield has returned from a 12 day school visit to Vietnam as part of the ASEAN Bridge program. 

The school visits help promote cultural understanding between our two countries by sharing resources and working to increase the Vietnamese student's understanding of Darwin and Australia.

Many of the students expressed a desire to visit Darwin or Australia and hopefully to study here. The students loved hearing about student life in Australia. 

I have had a wonderful time getting to know the teachers and students at Le Quy Don school. The students have been very welcoming. When I come into class they all clap and cheer and are very excited to see an Australian. They all have many questions about student life in Darwin and many are considering studying in Darwin in the near future.

Student and teacher life is very different here. The students come to school at 6am and the majority go home at 5pm, Monday to Saturday. The teachers work very hard but the one good thing is that they can go home when they dont have class. So, many turn up for 6-9am then return later for 3-5pm. There are no computers in sight and all classrooms still have blackboards. There are also usually 50 students in every class. This makes it very interesting for classroom behaviour management.

Pictured above is Darwin High School teacher Matt Atfield with a Vietnamise student, talking and tasting Vegemite.

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