What's Cooking at Darwin High
It’s been another big fortnight in the kitchens at Darwin High School.
The Stage 2 Catering class provided morning tea for the Seniors Morning of Entertainment. The event is used as one of their assessment tasks and involves the students catering for over 100 people. The students take into consideration the nutritional needs of seniors and endeavour to make sure that the food we provide is nutritious as well as delicious. A wide range of savoury and sweet foods was provided and included a number of options for special dietary requirements such as gluten and dairy free and vegetarian. The students were very pleased with their accomplishment where they demonstrated their skills in planning, preparation and presentation. The whole event was highly successful and enjoyed by all.
Year 10 Stylish Food made Spring Rolls (pictured above) and are working on choosing a dish or a skill that they want to learn more about for their food projects.
The Coffee Shop students are continuing to develop their skills and are getting ready for the much awaited opening of Cafe Ah Toy to students and staff in Week 28.
Year 11 Food and Hospitality students are working on their final presentation of a dish suitable for a venue in the NT inspired by native foods. All sorts of amazing dishes have been created using local and native ingredients.
The Year 10 Food for Life students cooked pasta with meatballs and Goyza’s, while learning about nutrition. The Food for Life classes have been learning about the Australian Dietary guidelines and how they can increase variety of nutritional foods into their diets for healthy living.
Year 11 #Cooking are busy creating and editing their instructional videos for a variety of recipes! Check out the Darwin High Instagram page @DarwinHighSchool for more photos and Foodspiration from the Home Ec kitchens!