Posted on 14 September, 2017 in Events, Partnerships, Students, Teachers

World Suicide Prevention Day Fundraiser

World Suicide Prevention Day Fundraiser

The World Health Organization estimates that over 800,000 people die by suicide each year – that’s one person every 40 seconds. This year Darwin High School demonstrated its support for suicide prevention with a fundraiser at lunchtime on Monday 11 September.

Year 12 Catering student Madeline Grant assisted Darwin High School Youth Worker, Breanna Duncan to make 200 mini quiches and 450 oreo truffles. All money raised will be donated to organisations that support individuals and communities around suicide and suicide prevention.

Pictured above are the delicious mini quiches and very popular oreo truffles.

According to the World Suicide Prevention Day website, in Australia more hundreds of Australians are impacted by each suicide death, with 65,000 people attempting suicide each year. The theme of the 2017 World Suicide Prevention Day is Take a Minute, Change a Life and aims to highlight the importance of speaking up, taking the time and listening.

Suicide Prevention Australia CEO Sue Murray said

Evidence tells us that stigmatising attitudes result in people being less likely to get help or give help. If we don’t speak up about persistent stigma, we are at risk of perpetuating a society where we remain reluctant to reach out for help for ourselves or others.

DHS Youth Worker, Breanna Duncan said

Student wellbeing is a huge priority at Darwin High School so it was in the interest of students and school staff to demonstrate a supportive attitude around suicide prevention.

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