Year 10 Work Experience
This semester saw over 90 Year 10 Darwin High School students take part in Work Experience. The range of workplaces available to the students was enormous. Students were given the opportunity to gain experience working in research, specialised trades, retail, health, education, administration and the performing arts.
Darwin High School Careers Faculty would like to say a big thank you to all the businesses and workplaces that supported its students and in particular, Brown’s Mart and Darwin Theatre Company for providing Work Experience Year 10 student Damon. Damon was given the opportunity to assist with the production of The Accidental Death of an Anarchist by Dario Fo and was involved in just about every stage of production, gaining valuable practical experience in working on blocking movement, sound and lighting. He thoroughly enjoyed his experience and recommends the hands on approach to everyone.
Students have just one more opportunity to be involved in Work Experience. For more information on work experience, contact Year 10 Careers Coordinator, Vida Goodvach [email protected].