

Course details

  • Further study This course prepares students for studying Geography at Stage 1

About the subject

In this subject students investigate our world to understand how people and the environment interact. The climate, environment, vegetation, communities, water, landscape are subjects of investigation; through exploration and discussion of them, students will understand the natural world and how we shape it.

In the course students will:

  • Develop geography skills, including map reading and interpretation, and a working knowledge of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), computer based tools for mapping and analysing geographic information
  • Investigate the geography of their local area, recording and analysing geographic data on local coastlines, land use and transport used to produce reports examining current and likely future uses.

Students will learn

  • Skills and Application Tasks
  • Inquiry
  • Fieldwork and Investigation

The Compass App

Students and their families are encouraged to download the Darwin High School Compass app to their smart phone/tablet device. Compass app allows you to stay up to date with announcements and events, complete a range of e-forms for student absences and excursions and easily contact us via phone or email direct from the app.

© 2016 Darwin High School. CRICOS Provider: Northern Territory Department of Education, CRICOS Provider Number: 00780M, Course Code Intensive English: 048904G, Course Code Senior Secondary: 058744C

School Web Design by Dash.