Australian Tertiary Admission Rank

The Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) is used specifically by universities for tertiary entrance purposes only. It is calculated by the South Australian Tertiary Admissions Centre.

About the ATAR

The ATAR is an indicator of how well a particular student has performed relative to other students who have qualified for an ATAR in the same year. For example, an ATAR of 95.00 indicates that a student has achieved as well as or better than 95% of the school-leaving-age population across Australia.

Outstanding ATAR results

In 2016, 43 students from Darwin High achieved an ATAR above 90

Tertiary Admissions Subject (TAS)

All subjects apart from Community Studies and Modified subjects are recognised by universities to contribute toward an ATAR. These subjects are known as Tertiary Admissions Subjects.


To combine scores from a wide variety of different subjects to form an aggregate, it must be ensured that the scores are on a common scale. Scaling is the process used to convert scores to a common scale.

Further information about scaling can be found at the SATAC website.

The Compass App

Students and their families are encouraged to download the Darwin High School Compass app to their smart phone/tablet device. Compass app allows you to stay up to date with announcements and events, complete a range of e-forms for student absences and excursions and easily contact us via phone or email direct from the app.

© 2016 Darwin High School. CRICOS Provider: Northern Territory Department of Education, CRICOS Provider Number: 00780M, Course Code Intensive English: 048904G, Course Code Senior Secondary: 058744C

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