Thumbs Up Lunch
On Friday of Week 9, 69 Darwin High students were invited to the Thumbs Up Reward lunch in the Ampitheatre.
On Friday of Week 9, 69 Darwin High students were invited to the Thumbs Up Reward lunch in the Ampitheatre.
Earlier this term, 92 Darwin High School students participated in the Computational and Algorithmic Thinking (CAT) Competition.The CAT competition is a one-hour problem-solving competition designed to encourage student curiosity and promote multiple modes of thinking and has a mixture of multiple-choice…
At the end of Week 8, 25 of our dance students and 2 staff departed Darwin for the highly anticipated return of the WA Dance Trip. The group spent a week exploring Perth and enjoying the opportunity to participate in a range of choreography and performance activities.
On Friday 31 May Darwin High School hosted its annual Health Expo in the Tank.
On Friday 24 May Darwin High School held a World's Greatest Shave event at lunchtime in B covered way, fundraising for the Leukaemia Foundation to help beat blood cancer.
Darwin High School’s Year 10 PLP Cohort received Career presentations for Police, St John Ambulance and NT Fire & Rescue Services on Monday 3 June from their own Police Officer Sue Seears and guest presenters; John Payne (St John Ambulance Paramedic) and Jessica Grieve (St John Ambulance Emergency Medical Dispatcher) and Senior Fire Fighter Nicolette McCourt and Fire Fighter Dave Small (NT Fire & Rescue Service)
In May, a number of students participated in Education Perfect Languages Championship 2024. This program involves students answering as many questions as possible in a week in the target language (Chinese, Indonesian, Italian, Spanish, Modern Greek, or Japanese etc.). Thousands of students around the globe participated in this championship.
On Friday, May 24, seventeen of our talented art students from Years 10, 11, and 12 were selected to participate in the prestigious Darwin Street Art Festival. This opportunity came after the students were invited to submit expressions of interest, and from the pool of applicants, seventeen were chosen to showcase their creativity and skills.
By teacher Ms TomassiBuongiorno Darwin High School Community,We are excited to share the fantastic outcome of our recent fundraising efforts for the Italy Study Tour. With the conclusion of fundraising activities by our Italian students and staff, we extend our heartfelt appreciation to our students,…
By teacher Ms Shobie DoraisingamOur first module for the Inspiring STEM+ program kicked off with a few group activities learning about the concepts of structure, reliability, flexibility, safety, and sustainability in building designs. The tower challenge was a fantastic opportunity to showcase teamwork,…
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